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I invite you to read this affirmation aloud as a declaration of your Sovereignty and ever growing dedication to your Destiny! My Light grows brighter, clearer, and more refined everyday. Clearing away the debris of who I once was by dissolving the veils of illusionary persona. The energy is released in the form of Light particles sparkling their way back to Source. Safely surrounded in a cocoon of my own alchemy, I radiate, Shining Bright like a diamond, multifaceted and multidimensional. Reflecting. Refracting. Bending time as I choose my Soul’s next Highest evolution in every moment. My Heart blossoms, opening like a Rose and the sweet smell of Embodied Ascension envelops my field. Wrapped and held in my own Divine Light, I am FREE to follow my Heart’s every Desire, which will only lead me further on my Path of Aligned Truth and Soul Purpose. This is The Way; surrender and deep reverence for the call of my Heart. I hear you, Beautiful...

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